Surprise Abundance ~ Unexpected Blessings
A Prosperity Project
Here is how it works ~ God provides for you and there is an unlimited supply available. You may think it flows to you, but it does not: it flows from you. You are the place where the Divine Supply Appears. “Surprise Abundance” is an opportunity to test the prosperity principles that are the foundation of a life of security and well-being.
Step One: Say “yes” to this opportunity by filling out the Enrollment Form and placing it in the offering or bringing it to the office.
Step Two: Each day, hold in mind and heart the prayerful thoughts found on the back of this brochure. Rest in solitude, and let God reveal to you the abundance of the universe and your life. You will not pray alone. Our prayer team will be praying with you during the months of April, May & June, knowing it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32).
Step Three: Knowing that you are the place where the Divine Supply appears and that you give, you receive; make a commitment to give 10% of all surprise abundance and unexpected income realized during the months of August and September to Unity of the Keys.
Step Four: Remain sensitive to the movement of ideas in your consciousness. Look for opportunities that bless others and you. Act upon ideas that come to you and explore courageously opportunities that appear in your life.
Step Five: Simply express your true nature. You are a generous, giving being who does not fear tomorrow. You live fully in the moment, not looking for results, but looking for an increased awareness of the presence of God that is your every breath.
Yes! Include Me!
Please email your information to to receive your Prosperity Form, or pick one up at the church, 1011 Virginia St. Key West.
I want to be included in the Prosperity Project. I eagerly embrace the Five-Step program and commit to months of diligent prayer and to share with Spirit’s expression called Unity of the Keys 10% of all surprise abundance/ unexpected blessings that come to me during the months of April, May & June. I am blessed beyond measure!
Name ___________________________________________
Address _________________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________________
I know that I am not alone in my quest for well-being and spiritually grounded prosperity. The prayer team is praying with me.
My Prosperity Prayer
God is my source, and a consciousness of God is my supply.
I am the place where the Divine Supply appears as I express my generous and loving nature.
Lack has no power over me.
I banish it from my life as I give thanks for what I have.
I start the flow of unparalleled good into my life and the world as I share the unexpected, surprise good that comes to me.
It is done.
And so it is.