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Wisdom of the Ages

The month of April is designated as the power of Wisdom or Divine Judgment, represented by the Disciple James, son of Zebedee, and also represented by the color yellow. Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, conceived the idea of the 12 Powers to help us perceive each aspect of our Christ Consciousness as spiritual tools to continue to develop and express. We understand that to truly embrace the 12 Powers is to know that they are each expressions of the One Power – of God. We all possess these powers and exercise them to some degree. Our desire is to continue to more fully understand, and thereby, more fully express these powers in our lives.

The Disciple James was among the innermost circle, present often with his brother, John, and with Peter when witnessing miracles performed by Jesus. These disciples represent Wisdom, Love, and Faith – all powers that we call upon, draw up from within us, when facing diversity or challenges. We see this beautifully modeled for us in the teachings of Jesus, in His miracles, and in the way He lived His life.

The phrase alone, “wisdom of the ages”, conveys the deep knowing within all of life – not only of this lifetime, but conveyed to each one of us through our Oneness with all.