Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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Rev. Daybree Thoms

“The Book of Joy – Compassion & Generosity is Contagious!” with Rev. Daybree Thoms

Join us Sunday, May 23 at 11:00 am as Rev. Daybree Thoms completes the journey through our exploration of The Book of Joy, we arrive at our human need to care for others, to tend to others, to relieve pain and suffering. We are social animals. We need one another. The Dalai Lama states, “This concern for others is something very precious…The incredible thing is that when we think of alleviating other people’s suffering, our own suffering is reduced. This is the true secret to happiness.”

And what is so beautiful is that compassion is contagious. One person in a group can spark acts of compassion. As one person stops their car to help an injured animal, more cars pull over and a crowd of support is formed. As one person speaks kindness to someone suffering a crisis, this person is uplifted by a circle of people speaking encouragement and love. You can be – you are – the linchpin, the avenue, the very essence of compassion. And, it’s contagious!!

We explore the power of generosity on our journey, a natural outgrowth of compassion. Compassion and generosity are not just lofty virtues – they are the center of our humanity, what makes our lives joyful and meaningful. Giving our joy to others, creating more joy in the lives of others, is an act of generosity – the generosity of spirit.

When we practice a generosity of spirit, filled to overflowing, we are practicing all the pillars of joy; a wider perspective, humility, laughter in not taking ourselves too seriously, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude and compassion. Our lives are more joy-filled – as are those around us. And our exploration of joy … becomes a lifetime of joy.

You can join us in person! Facemasks please and social distancing are required. We check temperatures and have excellent sanitizers at our entrances. Unity of the Keys is a place of healing prayer!

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