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I Create: Unity Principle #3

On August 20th, Rev. Daybree Thoms’ lesson was:

I Create: Unity Principle #3

Unity emphasizes the creative power of thought in our life experience. We often refer to this as the Law of Mind Action. When we take personal responsibility to choose life-affirming thoughts, words, and actions, we experience a more fulfilling and abundant life.

Unity Principle #3: “We create our life experiences through our way of thinking” or “We are co-creators with God, creating reality through thoughts held in mind.” The children’s version is simply, “I create.”

Henry Ford is known for saying, “If you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right!”  Our thoughts have power. Yes, we all have thoughts that come and go. The thoughts we cling to, think repeatedly over and over, inbed into our mental/spiritual DNA have immense power. Those beliefs determine how we respond to everything that occurs in our lives. “Bad things” can happen to anyone as we are part of Oneness of all. It is what we do with that, how we hold it, how we carry it as we move through the situation that determines our true experience. We can hold a situation as proof of our unworthiness or hold it as an example of our strength, faith, and courage.

We create!