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Sermons on Lesson Library (Page 37)

The Seeker or The Source

On December 24th at 11:00 am, Mary Ellen Lapp was our guest speaker. Her lesson was “The Seeker or the Source”. In the familiar Christmas Story, Mary and Joseph are seeking shelter before the birth of Jesus, the shepherds are seeking the newborn Savior, and the wise men are seeking a new King. What is at the root of our seeking? This…

What Are We Here For, if Not for Love?

On December 17th, our guest speaker was Karen Taylor Good. Her lesson was “What Are We Here For, If Not for Love” We enjoyed our time with  Grammy-nominated songwriter Karen Taylor Good and a music-filled Sunday morning, celebrating our deep connection with each other. In these divisive days, it’s important to remember that it’s truly all…

Jenny Craig


On December 10, our guest speaker was Jenny Craig and her topic was Peace.  Learn tools to connect to your heart and find your inner peace in the midst of chaos. Jenny R. Craig, LCSW, BCD is a transformation specialist, utilizing her expertise in assisting leaders in creating authentic, profound, long-lasting impact in their organizations…


On November 26th, Lori Neilson’s lesson was be Spinning. We all go through periods when our lives seem to be spinning round and round to some degree.  How do we make it stop?  How do we get centered and find the peace within and around us?  The answer is always God.  Peace, Be Still. Lori…

Mary Ellen Lapp

Great Endings and New Beginnings

On November 19th, Mary Ellen Lapp was our guest speaker. Her lesson was Great Endings and New Beginnings  When one door closes, another door opens. It’s an encouraging thought, yet it’s not always easy to be optimistic when in the throes of a difficult situation. Dwelling on the past or feeling sorry for ourselves does not…

Living in the Heart of God

Living in the Heart of God  From singer/songwriters Jan Garrett and J.D. Martin, “Nothing is ever lost.  And we are not forgotten. We are living in the heart of God.” Living in the Heart of God. Ahhhhh….. The very sound of these words are calming, soothing, to our souls. Living in the Heart of God.…

The Power of Order

On October 29th, Rev. Daybree Thoms’ lesson was “The Power of Order”  To understand the Twelve Powers, we know that they are twelve expressions of the one Power, the Christ within each of us. The Twelve Powers are: love, faith, understanding, wisdom/right judgment, imagination, zeal, strength, will, life, power, renunciation and order. This Sunday we…


Unity of the Keys joined with hundreds of church communities across the U.S. and Canada to give the one simple, direct, Christ-inspired message: You Are Perfect ~ Just As You Are! The #PresentPerfect online campaign extends an invitation to LGBTQ-youth and their parents to LGBTQ-affirming faith communities over this one specific weekend.  That’s US!!  24/7!…