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Sermons on Lesson Library (Page 32)

Did You Do That On Purpose?

On Novembr 25th,  our guest speaker was Mary Ellen lapp. Her lesson was “Did You Do That On Purpose?” How much of our lives do we just go through the motions? Reacting instead of considering, is this action leading me toward my life purpose? Before you can begin a journey, you must have a destination in mind. Mary Ellen has some clues for…

“The Four Laws of Dharma”

The Jesus Sutras: A Three Part Series with Rev. Judi Elia  The Lost Sutras of Jesus are recently discovered documents buried secretly in a cave in China that date back to 635 CE.  A group of Christian monks led by the Persian Bishop Aleben, traveled 3,000 miles from Persia to China with sacred scripture about…

“Ten Methods for Meditating on the World”

The Jesus Sutras: A Three Part Series with Rev. Judi Elia  The Lost Sutras of Jesus are recently discovered documents buried secretly in a cave in China that date back to 635 CE.  A group of Christian monks led by the Persian Bishop Aleben, traveled 3,000 miles from Persia to China with sacred scripture about…

“The Story of the Jesus Sutras”

The Jesus Sutras: A Three Part Series on Sunday October 29, November 4 and November 11, 2018 with Rev. Judi Elia  The Lost Sutras of Jesus are recently discovered documents buried secretly in a cave in China that date back to 635 CE.  A group of Christian monks led by the Persian Bishop Aleben, traveled…

Stardust in Everyone

On October 21st, Rev. Judi wrapped up her talk series Essential Unity: L.O.V.E.S. which is inspired by the book by Dr. Orestes Gutierrez, “L.O.V.E.S The Answer: Five Principles For Inner and Outer Transformation” This week’s lesson was “Stardust in Everyone”  Rev. Judi met Orestes Gutierrez, his wife Pamela and their three beautiful young children in Jacksonville, FL…

Experience Is Created By Thought

On October 14th, Rev. Judi continued her talk series Essential Unity: L.O.V.E.S. which is inspired by the book by Dr. Orestes Gutierrez, “L.O.V.E.S The Answer: Five Principles For Inner and Outer Transformation” This week’s lesson will be “Validate When You Meditate and Pray”  Rev. Judi met Orestes Gutierrez, his wife Pamela and their three beautiful young children…

Validate When You Meditate and Pray

On October 7th, Rev. Judi continued her talk series Essential Unity: L.O.V.E.S. which is inspired by the book by Dr. Orestes Gutierrez, “L.O.V.E.S The Answer: Five Principles For Inner and Outer Transformation” This week’s lesson will be “Validate When You Meditate and Pray”  Rev. Judi met Orestes Gutierrez, his wife Pamela and their three beautiful young children…