Enjoy our 2 Easter Celebrations with Reverend Daybree Thoms – Smather’s Beach at sunrise and then at 11 am for our beautiful flower ceremony.
Enjoy our 2 Easter Celebrations with Reverend Daybree Thoms – Smather’s Beach at sunrise and then at 11 am for our beautiful flower ceremony.
What a glorious way to begin Easter at Smather’s Beach as we sing in the sunrise with live music, meditation, & inspirational readings to honor the sacredness of this day at this beautiful outdoor venue.
This Sunday we arrive in Jerusalem – a symbol of love and peace. Hosanna in the highest!
This expression is used in many spiritual paths. It is all about listening to Divine Guidance and doing what we are guided to do. We walk the talk.
What are these “Added Things” in the Gospel of Matthew? Seek God first and then what happens?
Let’s examine where we send our prayers for our current understanding of the Divine.
This week we celebrate all prayers to expand our understanding and acceptance of those whose beliefs differ from ours.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances.” Apostle Paul.
How much better might our lives unfold for us if we turned within, sought to connect to the Divine within, and Prayed First?
Rev Paul will discuss the metaphysical teachings that underlie Unity prayer, how prayer works, and how we work it.