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Sermons by Rev. Daybree Thoms (Page 18)

The 3 Faces of God – Part 2

On July 16th, Rev. Daybree Thoms’ lesson was The 3 Faces of God – Part 2. The three faces of God are simply three ways we approach God. 1-2-3. 1st person – the God within. 2nd person – God as “thou”, the Holy Other, speaking “to” God. 3rd person – speaking “about” God, separate and apart, reflection about…

Three Faces of God – Part 1

July 9th  Rev. Daybree Thoms’ lesson was “The 3 Faces of God – Part 1” The three faces of God are simply three ways we approach God. 1-2-3. 1st person – the God within. 2nd person – God as “thou”, the Holy Other, speaking “to” God. 3rd person – speaking “about” God, separate and apart, reflection about the…

“Free to Be … You and Me”

Free to Be… You and Me was a children’s entertainment project, conceived, created and executive-produced by actress and author Marlo Thomas. It all began when Marlo became an aunt and began looking for children’s books to read to her little niece. She was appalled at the stereotypes represented in the children’s books available, generally unchanged…

Dancing With My Father

Sunday June 18th Dancing With My Father As a community, we allowed these 4 simple words, “dancing with my father”, to fill our hearts and minds with the energy of grace and love. We explored the vision of dancing and what that might mean to us, individually. We considered how, whenever we are “dancing”, we…

The Power of Imagination

June 11, 2017 – “The Power of Imagination” “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions!”, said Albert Einstein. During the month of June, we celebrate the Power of Imagination, one of the 12 Powers identified by Unity’s co-founder, Charles Fillmore, represented by the Disciple Bartholomew and the color of light blue. Imagination,…

One Power

Continuing with our exploration into the 12 Powers, we look at the Power of “Power”, designated for the month of May, represented by the Disciple Philip, and also represented by the color purple. “Power”, as a divine aspect or expression, is the faculty which enables us to have authority over our emotions, thoughts, and even…