In this 4th week of Advent, we have prepared our heart and our mind to fully, freely, and lovingly express ourselves as the very essence of Joy. Joy to the World!
In this 4th week of Advent, we have prepared our heart and our mind to fully, freely, and lovingly express ourselves as the very essence of Joy. Joy to the World!
A way of being, a state of consciousness which reminds us that we are each here to express love & compassion for one another. Living gratitude – out loud – grounds us in a state of joy, allowing each one of us to freely, creatively, and lovingly be expressions of the deepest appreciation for our…
Gratitude has the power to uplift, to raise our vibration and to take us from a place of darkness to a space of absolute light. Gratitude is more than an attitude or a state-of-mind, although it is that too. True gratitude must also be reflected in action, with the intention to uplift others, to bless…
How is the Power of Zeal and the Parable of the Talents related? Their link, their commonality lies in the power of zeal to enhance every endeavor, including embracing the lessons within this well-known Parable.
Join Us for Our Sunday Celebration October 3rd at 11:00 am. Swing Wide the Doors! – Daniel Nahmod so beautifully created the song by this same name. The chorus goes, “Swing wide the doors the time is right. Swing wide the doors to let in the light. Bring in the dawn for humankind. Swing wide…
The Power of Order is defined as our ability to organize, balance, sequence, and adjust. It is the formative faculty that uses all of the 12 Powers. The Power of Order is the Creative Process of Mind ~ Idea ~ Expression. We are each the Divine Power of Order in expression! Join up in person…
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi is a perfect prayer when you are seeking to live in peace and joy. This is such an encouraging and uplifting prayer that teaches us how we can live like our elder brother, and shower-of-the-way, Jesus Christ, coming always from a space of love. This month is both…
In preparation for the International Day of Peace on September 21st, we will together explore the concept of peace and the meaning it holds for each of us. Jesus said, “Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give unto you”- John 14:27. This is a wonderful promise and a life-giving command. There is nothing…