3/20/22 Theologian Paul Tillich said, “The first duty of love is to listen.” We are all, always, being divinely guided. Listening for the silent call of the soul and responding to that call moves us on our spiritual path.
3/20/22 Theologian Paul Tillich said, “The first duty of love is to listen.” We are all, always, being divinely guided. Listening for the silent call of the soul and responding to that call moves us on our spiritual path.
3/6/22 Our Lenten Season includes the 40 days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter Sunday. What can we do with these 40 days? How might we best explore and expand upon this unique annual happening? 40 Days & 40 Nights is more than enough to establish a new way of being.
2/20/22 An Overarching Vision is a vision that is inclusive, a vision that includes everyone, all-encompassing. We see humanity (everyone) awake to its divinity – a world that works for all.
The month of February, the Power of Love, and Valentine’s Day around the corner. How might we best be expressions of Love in our world?
Ram Dass was known for this phrasing, Love, Serve, Remember and released an album in 1973 with this same name. What an amazing focus, goal, mission for each of us: Love, Serve and Remember…
Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement…” Yes! To see life with eyes of awe and a heart that is open to the world. Open to one another. Open to the world.
Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement… Yes! To see life with eyes of awe and a heart that is open to the world…Open to one another…Open to the world.”
After last Sunday’s Burning Bowl Ceremony, we have released all that does not serve our Highest Good. This week, we reinvent ourselves anew by choosing a new name or intension for ourselves in the New Year. The tradition of the White Stone is taken from the biblical story of Abram and Sarai. When they made…
The New Year brings new opportunities to live as your Highest Self. To make the way clear, begin by letting go of all that does not serve you; the doubts, the fears, the uncertainties you will record on paper and then ceremoniously burn in the cleansing flame. After the lightness of the release, compose your…
(12/26/2020) Still in the blush of the holiday season, we take a moment to step back and breathe in our blessings, recognizing the gifts in our lives; the gift of the Consciousness of the Divine.