Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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Prayer Chaplain Ministry

The mission of the Chaplaincy Ministry is to be a resource for those attending Sunday Services desiring private, individual prayer time. Responsibilities include being available on Sundays to meet with those requesting prayers and alternating with other chaplains in blessing the Prayer Box during the Sunday Service.

Anyone who gives receives more than the one to whom they give. Prayer Chaplains pray with others and interact with them in a loving, empathetic, and deeply spiritual way. In return, they find the time spent fulfilling and rewarding.

A two-week Prayer Chaplain Training and a three-week Power of Prayer Class are required and available to those wishing to become a Unity Prayer Chaplain.

Unity of the Keys Prayer Chaplains from left to right: Irina Rozdestvina, Mary Anne Napier, Aaron Andes, Debra Butler, Trica Dailey, Lori Neilson, Carolyn Sullivan, and Reverend Daybree Thoms.