Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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Simply Planting Seeds – Earth Day 2017

This day we celebrated Earth Day in two ways: First is the love of and the sacred holding of our earthly home, knowing and affirming our responsibilities in take care of our earth. In humble respect, we hold our precious earthly home in high regard and commit to being good stewards “of every living thing…

Easter – Newness of Life

What a glorious day to celebrate new life and to participate in the Easter Flower Ceremony. The story of Easter is about overcoming. Jesus denied that crucifixion – as physically, humanly powerful as it was – had no power over Him – over His Truth. Crucifixion is juxtaposed with resurrection – you can’t get to…

Be Ye Transformed

On this 5th Sunday in Lent, we will continue in our awakening to the spiritual Truth, to our spiritual identity as beings of Spirit. The 40 days of Lent (plus six Sundays) represent the wilderness process of renewing and transforming our minds. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Christian community in Rome, challenged…

Spiritual Evolution

The Lenten season is a time of growth and learning. It is a time for releasing what no longer serves us and opening to our highest good. As we are preparing, physically, to release those materials things that we no longer need (for our annual Create a Vacuum Sale), we are also completing an inventory…

We Are Family

Join us as we consider the many ways the concept of “family” plays out in our lives. Borrowing from the Greek word koinonia, we examine the philosophy of a “beloved community of fellowship and love.” Drawing from 1 John 3:11, “For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should…

A Mighty Tower of Strength

This week we explore the Power of Strength, one of the 12 Powers or Expressions of Spirit, found within each one of us. Strength is freedom from weakness. It is stability of character and the power to withstand temptation. It is the force or power to do, the capacity to accomplish. “The name of Jehovah…