Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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Life Lessons: One Song at a Time

March 3rd at 11:00 am Megon McDonnough joined Rev. Judi Elia for Sunday Celebration. Megon is a multi-talented performer with a gift of seeing the comedy in life. She is a superb vocalist, a talented musician and a spiritual teacher who brings upbeat positive music, wisdom and laughter together. Megan has been a Unity Music…

Who Do You Say That I Am?

On February 24th, Rev. Judi’s message was based on the question, “Who do you say that I am?” This was a question Jesus asked his disciples at a time of much chaos and confusion in the community. Some saw him as a heretic, a glutton and a rebel. Others saw him as the Messiah. How…

The Power of Love

February 17th : “The Power of Love” with Rev. Judi and our Music Team led by Larry Smith What is Love? Love is another word for God. Jesus commanded us to “Love one another as he loved us.” Love is not an emotion. Go(o)d is Love. Love is a spiritual attainment that will bring us…

The Power of Prayer

February 10th: The Power of Prayer with Rev. Judi and the Unity Music Team led by Larry Smith. The core practice in Unity is prayer. Individual and group prayer, meditation, contemplative prayer, praying with scripture, Bible Metaphysics and Silence, are all integral practices in Unity congregations. Learn more about these practices as Rev. Judi continues…

Remember- Thoreau Went Back Home Again

On February 3rd, Rev. Randy Becker was our guest speaker and Larry Smith led our Music Team. Henry David Thoreau is often lauded as the exemplar of leaving the world behind and listening to inner wisdom that is revealed when the clamor of the everyday is left behind. To me, he is more an exemplar…

The Transformational Power of Music with Rev. Judi

Our co-founders, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore understood the power of music to bring forth devotion and spiritual awakening. Joyful singing in the community has always been an integral part of Unity. Music is a powerful bond that connects us to each other and the Source of All. Larry Smith was our special guest on piano.

The White Stone Ceremony

The White Stone Ceremony is an acient ritual. It is a ceremony of release from bondage of any kind. We are given a white stone, a blank slate, and the freedom to choose a new beginning and a new “name” and quality to bring forth in our life. Special music with Melody Cooper.

The Heart of Unity is Prayer

On January 13th, Rev. Judi Elia’s lesson was “The Heart of Unity is Prayer” and Melody Cooper was our special musical guest. The core practices of Unity are Prayer and Silence. James Dillet Freeman, Poet Laureate of Unity, in an article called “What is Unity?” once wrote: “One word that describes Unity is prayer. Unity…

A Universal Worship Service

January 6th at 11:00 am Blessings Everyone: A Universal Worship Service honoring our One Human Family with Rev. Judi Elia, Jemila and Mike Felisko, Larry Smith and Our Music Team. Dances of Universal Peace at 1:00 pm following a Potluck Lunch. Jemila Felisko is a Sufi Cherag (minister) and her husband Mike (usually seen on…

The Burning Bowl

December 30th at 11:00 am The Burning Bowl The Burning Bowl can be a powerful ritual for releasing the past year and welcoming new beginnings. It’s a symbolic release- letting go of anythnig that no longer serves you. Release old thought pattern, unfulfilled expectations, mistakes, or situations that may be holding you back from living…