“To thine own self be true” is often heard advice but do know who you are? The voices inside your head are plentiful and misleading. Find out where to look to find your authentic Self and live in Joy.
It’s Friendship Sunday! Bring your Friends to Unity! Come early and hear Larry Smith and our Music Team lead us in inspirational music. At the 11am Service Rev. Judi’ will share the metaphysical meaning of the Book of Ruth and images of Friendship from Hanuman, the Monkey King in her talk: “That’s What Friends Are…
There is an African proverb, “You can’t really know a person until they die.” That’s when the hidden gifts of the soul begin to show up and we really see who they are. With the passing of Kobie Bryant, his daughter and their friends we have been witnessing the many facets of a life well…
As we enter the roaring ’20’s let’s begin on a solid spiritual foundation. Whatever our past, whatever our present, the glory of humanity is we can remake ourselves. With 2020 vision we can overcome our past mistakes and build a glorious new life with courage. We are resilient and the time is now to step…
We will explore a historical and metaphysical view of the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25:14-30. This lively and controversial interpretation of the much debated parable will begin a period of congregational creativity that will culminate in the joy of our Congregational Craft Fair on Sunday Dec. 8th. Music by Gabriel Wright
Nimo and Rev. Judi will share from the heart about the importance of Forgiveness while inviting the congregation to contemplate and share. After a career on Wall St. and fame and fortune as a MTV rap star, Nimo has finally found his true calling. Nimo is now writing, singing and living a life of practiceing…
Rev. Judi begins a series of lessons based on the book by Rev. Edwene Gaines, “The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity”. Some of us think of abundance as coming from God. Actually, God is the abundance we seek. In the East they sages say, Generosity is the transcendent friend. The first “law” Rev. Gaines presents…
Lori will be introducing Edwene Gaines’ philosphy on prosperity based on her book. Edwene teaches that with courage, faith and positivity, we all can have everything we need and desire to live a successful and happy life.