Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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World Day of Prayer

Join Millions of people around the World who will be participating in the 25th Annual Unity Prayer Day.

At Unity of the Keys Thursday September 13, 2018 beginning at 9am we will have continuous Prayer, Meditation and Spiritual Practices led by our CommUnity until 6pm.  All Day Long we will Pray, Meditate and Nourish each other with a Continuous Potluck Feast in the Fellowship Area.

Silence will be practiced in the Sanctuary.

Every Hour Prayers and Silent Meditation will be shared for at least 15 minutes before other practices will be given.

Unity World Day of Prayer this year will focus on healing in mind, body and spirit.

Together we ask you to hold this Affirmation:  “I am a Healing Presence.”

A Community Prayer Day Celebration Service will be held at 7pm 

with Rev. Judi, Tim Smith, Our Prayer Team and Our Music Team


Eat.  Pray. Meditate… and Feed your Spirit!

Every Hour the Daily Word, Prayers and Silent Meditation will be shared and other practices will be given.

 Unity World Day of Prayer this year will focus on healing in mind, body and spirit.  Together we ask you to hold this Affirmation:  “I am a Healing Presence.”

 9:00am Silent Unity Healing Service with Rev. Judi Elia

10:00 Silent Meditation and Prayers with Sunny

11:00  Reiki Healing Circle with Jody

Noon  Mindfullness Practices and Qigong

1:00pm  Rev. Evelyn Casper, our Minister Emeritus: The Healing Practices of Inner Body Awareness

2:00pm Prayers and Meditation with Stephanie

3:00 Meditation and Silence with Debra

4:00pm A Healing Circle with Vicki Shaw

5:00pm Singing in Community- A Findhorn Experience

7:00pm A Community Prayer Day Celebration with

Rev. Judi, Our Music Team and Our Prayer Team!!!