Where is the Woman?
Expressive Arts Workshop with Katharine Doughty
Friday, September 8th from 9:30-11 am, doors open at 9
In a supportive container, we will explore ourselves and our communities from physical, emotional, and mental perspectives.
Through the use of drawing, writing, movement, and creative dialogue we will identify and embody joys and challenges.
Absolutely no prior arts or movement training is required. Experiences are given voice through one’s innate creativity. Resources for navigating self and environment with increased awareness and ease are discovered and developed.
All bodies, abilities, philosophies, traditions, and backgrounds, 18+ welcome.
Materials are provided or you may bring your own journal, drawing pad, and your favorite supplies.
A suggested Love offering of $30 is gladly accepted, but no one is turned away.
Email kmdhealingarts@gmail.com
You may also email Unity at church@unityofthekeys.org
Katharine Doughty is an artist and somatic practitioner for 35 years including chi gong, massage therapy, post-modern dance, meditation, science, and spirituality. Katharine Doughty is an expressive arts educator/therapist, somatic educator/therapist, and multimodal artist. Trained with field pioneers Anna and Daria Halprin, she is a certified Tamalpa practitioner registered with ISMETA. See katharinedoughty.com – Offerings are not a substitute for medical or behavioral health attention.
This event is proudly listed with The Key West Business Guild as a WomanFest Event.