Join us for a spiritual Labyrinth Walk at the Key West Garden Club’s beautiful Labyrinth overlooking the Atlantic.
Meet us there at 1100 Atlantic Blvd in Key West! Unity prayer chaplains Tricia Dailey and Irina Rozhdestvina will be your guides.
Walking meditation can be used for reflection and problem-solving. Walking the Labyrinth quiets the mind, opens the heart, and grounds the body. Some find answers to questions long asked and some find healing, creativity, or a sense of wholeness.
Generally, the walk has three stages: releasing on the way in, receiving in the center, and returning when you follow the return path back out of the labyrinth. Symbolically, you are taking back out into the world that which you have received. There is no right way or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Use the labyrinth in any way that meets what you need while being respectful of others walking. You may go directly to the center to sit quietly – whatever meets your needs.
The labyrinth is an ancient pattern found in many cultures around the world. Labyrinth designs were found on pottery, tablets and tiles that date as far back as 5000 years. Many patterns are based on spirals and circles mirrored in nature. In Native American tradition, the labyrinth is identical to the Medicine Wheel and Man in the Maze. The Celts described the labyrinth as the Never Ending Circle. It is also known as the Ka bala in mystical Judaism. One feature labyrinths have in common is that they have one path that winds in a circuitous way to the center.
For more information about this event and future labyrinth walks, email us at
World Labyrinth Day is Saturday, May 3rd, and we will hold a special event that day.