A 5 week series Beginning March 19th.
Choose: Sunday afternoons at 12:30 pm or Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm.
Course Description: In this course students will experience the rewarding process of Bible interpretation. Students will learn, step by step, how to metaphysically interpret a Bible story and apply the meaning to their lives. Selected stories from the Hebrew Scriptures will be maieutically and metaphysically interpreted.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to use the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary and The Revealing Word.
- Define maieutic Bible interpretation and metaphysical Bible interpretation.
- Examine and apply the seven step process of metaphysical Bible interpretation.
- Interpret a Bible story selected from the Hebrew Scriptures using the maieutic technique.
- Interpret the same story selected from the Hebrew Scriptures using the seven-step metaphysical Bible interpretation process. Relate their interpretations to their own lives.
Assignments and Expectations:
- Attend and participate in all class activities. 5 class sessions are held for all SEE classes.
- Come to class prepared. 3. Write a 2-page reflection paper.
Suggested love offering is $15 per class or $75 for the series. Additional fees apply for SEE credit, should credits be desired.
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