Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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40 Days of Give-Aways ~ Release and Renew

A Spiritual Practice for Lent   ~ In Unity, the Lenten Season is a time to practice letting go of dark worries and renewing our awareness of the good that always surrounds us.  If you want to give up something for Lent, consider giving up the thoughts that keep you from expressing your highest self. If you want to celebrate the light that…

Matching “Above and Beyond” Donation Campaign

Above and Beyond – Matching Campaign WE HAVE WONDERFUL NEWS! We received a matching campaign donation of $10,000 from an anonymous donor! How would you like to double your donation to Unity of the Keys? Our goal is to match this $10,000 with an additional $10,000 from contributions today through January 14, 2024, for a projected…

Surprise Abundance

Surprise Abundance ~ Unexpected Blessings A Prosperity Project Here is how it works ~ God provides for you and there is an unlimited supply available. You may think it flows to you, but it does not: it flows from you. You are the place where the Divine Supply Appears. “Surprise Abundance” is an opportunity to…

CFFK Grant ~ Partnering with St. Peter’s & Salvation Army Thrift Stores

On behalf of Unity of the Keys, Reverend Daybree recently applied for a grant through the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys. The grant is called “Collaborating in Paradise for Good”. Eligible applicants were required to include a collaboration with another nonprofit or service-based organization. Our application was accepted and Unity was awarded $1,000. Our non-profit collaboration is with local service-based thrift…

40 Days of Give-Aways ~ Release and Renew

A Spiritual Practice for Lent   ~ In Unity, the Lenten Season is a time to practice letting go of dark worries and renewing our awareness of the good that always surrounds us.  If you want to give up something for Lent, consider giving up the thoughts that keep you from expressing your highest self. If you want to celebrate the light that…

Easter Sunday Sunrise Service

Join us for Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 6:45 a.m. at Smathers Beach. What a glorious way to begin Easter! Surrounded by Unity friends & family on the beach, we will be gathered with facilitator, Lori Neilson to sing in the sunrise and honor the sacredness of this day. Inspirational readings, music, scripture and much love will be shared…