Unity is a positive path for spiritual living. We honor the many pathways to God, the many names for God, and the many ways to worship the God of our understanding. Unity is a safe place for people of all faiths. wherever you are on your spiritual journey we welcome you here with all our hearts.
Our Mission:
“Unity of the Keys is a Spiritual community, celebrating our oneness with God.”
Our Vision:
“Unity of the Keys sees humanity awake to its Divinity, fully experiencing love, peace and abundance.”
Our Core Values:
We have fun celebrating positive outcomes that occur as we trust Spirit.
We are prosperous, aware that wisdom and all we need to accomplish our mission forms from an unlimited Source.
We are eternally One with God, having a human experience.
Our affection for each other and our world leads us to wise and kind actions for the best interest of all.
We are a diverse community. We welcome all members of our One Human and Divine Family.
We continue to learn and grow in a collective, upward spiral of human consciousness.
What We Offer:

Our spiritual center is located in Old Town Key West and offers practical teachings daily spiritual living. All of our services, workshops, and classes are designed to uplift you and support you in discovering inner joy, peace and harmony, abundance, vibrant health, and loving relationships.
Each Sunday morning we provide positive, practical, universal teachings, diverse positive music and quiet inner stillness meditations. We also provide loving education and childcare for your children lead by the creative and innovative Leigh Hooten, our Youth Director.

It is truly exciting to constantly see our CommUnity transcend former limitations and discover new depths of love, power, peace, understanding, and self-mastery. It is also exciting to see people healed in mind, heart, body, and relationships, and to see the power of faith-filled prayer demonstrated in our lives. We teach that each person is created “in the image and after the likeness of God” (Genesis 1:27), and that every person is inherently good. The true self or core of us is spirit, love, wisdom, life energy, and creative power. We are all equal and unique. We accept everyone and celebrate our diversity of shapes, sizes, backgrounds, gender identification, age, race, ethnic background, and sexual orientation.
Whether you live in Key West or you’re visiting the Florida Keys, we invite you to join us and celebrate our One Human Family.
What is the Unity Movement?
The Unity Movement began with Silent Unity, our worldwide prayer ministry. You may call for prayer at 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729) or go to www.unity.org. Unity also publishes books, CD albums, and the Daily Word and Unity magazines
Unity Worldwide Ministries supports some 1,000 churches and other ministries in more than fifty countries and includes Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute, educating ministers, licensed Unity teachers, and seekers worldwide.
Unity Affirmative Prayer for Protection